2 Reasons Why Your Website Is Slow (and How To Fix It)

slow website speed

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Are you looking for a high-quality, custom, and professional website? At Strike Web Services, our web experts have what it takes to create a website that converts web visitors into loyal customers! Learn more about what we can do for you and your business HERE.

Site speed plays a crucial role in your website’s success.


Let’s face it, we’re all impatient. We’ve had our moments where we needed to check out a site for information but because it took more than 5 seconds to load, we clicked off. It happens; we all do it…

We understand that our time is valuable.

It’s the exact same for web visitors and potential customers. Their time is extremely valuable to them (and to you too!), and a slow site will have a negative impact on your credibility and revenue. 

So, if you’re struggling with a slow website, check out these tips:  

Large Images and Videos 

 Adding images and videos to your site is always a great idea, especially if you sell products. They can be very engaging, keep viewers on the site longer, and allow potential customers to see what they’re buying. 

However, looking at the file size of your images and videos is critical. Those that are larger and have higher resolution can take a lot of bandwidth, which adds to the amount of time that it takes to load a site. 

Solution: A great tip for this is to compress photos and videos. Make sure that you use reliable and effective applications so that the quality can be maintained. 

Poor Server Performance 

A web server stores, processes, and delivers your site’s information. So, when a web user clicks on your site, the server dispenses the web page that the user desires/clicked on. 

However, if the web server isn’t performing up to par, the site will take longer to respond, causing the web user to potentially leave the site before it’s fully loaded. 

Solution: A poor web server usually has to do with cheap web hosts. While it may be exciting to start your site with a host that provides a “good deal”, oftentimes, cheaper hosts use shared servers with several other sites. Typically, these sites on the shared server will load slowly because it’s in queue with other sites. 

We recommend using a quality web host, like InMotion Hosting.

These are only a few out of many possible reasons that your site can be loading slowly. We recommend taking time to perform a website audit to help you better understand what is affecting your site’s performance.

At Strike Web Services, we understand that website speed (among other factors) is important to your site’s and business’s success and take this into account in our web design process. To learn more about our services and how we can help you succeed, click HERE.
